Please join in supporting these wonderful organizations working tirelessly to make a better, more compassionate world for ALL animals, including humans.

Allied Scholars for Animal Protection
American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM)
Animal Activist Legal Defense Fund
Animal & Vegan Advocacy (AVA) Summit
Animal Enterprise Transparency Project (AETP)
Animal Advocates International
Center For Biological Diversity
Coalition of African Animal Welfare Organisations
Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM)
Food For Profit (Pueblo Unido)
Humane America Animal Foundation
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
Leaders for Animals Ethics Planet
Leaders for Ethics, Animals, and the Planet (LEAP)
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)
Research Institute for Plant-Based Nutrition (IFPE)
Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute (RLMI)
Santuário Vale da Rainha Resgate à Conscientização
Shamayim: Jewish Animal Advocacy
Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira
Strategies for Ethical and Environmental Development (SEED)
The International Vegan Film Festival
Univ of Denver - Animal Law Clinic
Vegan and Animal Rights Conference
CCF is grateful to support additional nonprofits via regranting programs administered by Animal Charity Evaluators, ProVeg International, Thrive Philanthropy, and Animal Advocacy Africa.